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現在地 トップページ > 分類からさがす > 文化・教育・スポーツ > 教育・生涯学習 > 入園・入学 > 教育委員会 > 外国籍の児童・生徒の就学手続き(Procedures for Children with Foreign Citizenship to Start School )


外国籍の児童・生徒の就学手続き(Procedures for Children with Foreign Citizenship to Start School )

ページID:0021045 更新日:2022年8月1日更新 印刷ページ表示



 Japanese compulsory education requires six years of elementary school (from age 6 to 12) and three years of junior high school (from age 13 to 15).
​​ This obligation does not apply to the parents of children with foreign citizenship, but children with registered residency in Mito city can enroll in Japanese elementary schools and junior high schools.
​ If you wish to enroll in elementary schools or junior high schools in Mito city, please consult the School Administration Division.

 ​Please refer to the links below.

外国人市民のための生活ガイド みと
​Living Guidebook for Foreign Citizens in Mito

 You can find the guide in easy Japanese, English, Chinese and Korean

​Guide for foreign students to start school

​ You can find the guide in English, Korean Vietnamese, Filipino, Chinese, Portuguese, Spanish and Ukrainian.